In Cameroon, poultry farming remains dominated by the traditional sector which represents more than 60% of production spread across the entire national territory. The industrial sector is concentrated in peri-urban areas (Coastal, Center, West, etc.) with fairly significant annual production (day-old chicks and table eggs). The current performance of this sector makes it possible to supply eggs in significant quantities given the large number of producers involved in this sector. The aquaculture sector practiced is only that in ponds and fresh water and has seen an evolution in terms of breeding techniques and species raised.

In the fish production system, there are two types of production: intensive fish farming and extensive fish farming. Intensive fish farming is practiced in entirely or partially enclosed spaces (earth, concrete or plastic basins, giant floating traps or cages, etc.) in fresh water or in the open sea depending on the species. This type is commonly used for commercial fish farms. Extensive fish farming is generally practiced in dam ponds. Fish farming takes place in the absence of fertilizers and food inputs.

The main aquaculture production regions are mainly located in the Adamaoua, Center, East, Littoral, West and North-West regions. Fish represents an important source of protein for a large part of the population, which constitutes a key economic source for the development of Cameroon.

It is with this in mind that BC-PME, through its Guichet Agricole, is positioning itself in this priority sector.

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