Today, BC-PME wants to position itself as a technical and financial catalyst for cocoa and coffee producers in order to better structure this priority sector of the SND30

Objective: Provide technical and financial assistance to cocoa and coffee producers in order to better structure this priority sector of the SND30

  Cocoa is one of Cameroon’s main commodities and plays a key role in the Cameroonian economy. More than 500,000 Cameroonians depend more or less on cocoa production in Cameroon for their livelihood. With this enormous cocoa production, Cameroon has become the fourth African producer of quality cocoa and currently the fifth producing country of quality cocoa in the world (almost 50 to 60% of export earnings come from the sale of cocoa) .

The cocoa and coffee sector remains strategic for the country’s growth. The South West region of Cameroon dominated the country’s production, accounting for around 40% of total cocoa production.

In recent years, production has also increased rapidly in the Center. The increase in cocoa production in the different regions of Cameroon dominates the global cocoa supply chain. As the demand for cocoa remains very high worldwide, thanks to the good performance of the global chocolate industry, Cameroon plays a major role in meeting the demand for cocoa worldwide, earning it be considered the best cocoa producing country in the world. Cocoa is the main contributor to the country’s export earnings, with cocoa production alone accounting for almost two-thirds of the revenue generated in Cameroon, which is enormous.

Coffee is one of the most produced foodstuffs in Cameroon. It is mainly grown in seven different regions of Cameroon. These regions are the West, the North-West, the Littoral, the South-West, the South, the Center and the East, which are considered the best coffee production areas in Cameroon due to the quality of their production. When it comes to the taste, flavor and rich aroma of coffee from around the world, Cameroon is considered the best quality coffee producing country with its Robusta and Arabica coffee varieties. The country offers a wide range of authentic and rich coffee flavors.

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